Sunday 26 July 2015

It's not Terry's... it's Delia's

Chocolate and orange has long been a tasty combination, and never more so than in this recipe of Delia's. You may be surprised to learn that 'Terry's of York' actually brought out a Chocolate Apple in 1926, five years before the Chocolate Orange was invented. The apple version was discontinued in the 1950s when Terry's realised it was all about the orange... and still is.

Delia's Chocolate Orange Biscuit recipe can be found on page 146 of her book. It calls for the zest of two oranges to give the orange flavour to the biscuit, and dark chocolate chips for the chocolate element. Julie found the biggest juiciest naval oranges she could find, and you could really taste it. When we make chocolate orange cakes here at Chitty's, it's using cocoa powder and orange zest rather than juice, so it was nice to have a bit of a different spin on the chocolate orange combination and they were absolutely gorgeous.

Julie reported that they were a joy to make because as they baked they made the entire flat smell like a Terry's chocolate orange. She used a bigger cutter than Delia recommended so they did come out quite giant in size (not a problem for Laura and I when we tasted them!) and so didn't make the suggested 22, only 15, and the chocolate chips made the circles a bit tricky to cut out, but they turned out perfectly. They tasted absolutely divine, and were really beautifully crunchy. If you like a Terry's chocolate orange, you will love these biscuits.

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