Monday 2 November 2015

Oatmeal Parkin for dark nights

The clocks have gone back, the evenings are fast becoming long and dark, and it's a perfect time to enjoy some Traditional Oatmeal Parkin. Delia's recipe (on page 78) promises that this one keeps really well, and just goes on getting stickier. She's absolutely right - I've had this in the tin for a week and the last slice last night was by far the stickiest.

It's not a difficult recipe, although the long baking time (an hour and a half in the oven!) might put people off a bit, especially if baking is something you do when you get home from work to relax, as you might be wanting to head to bed before it's out of the oven! It's worth it though, if only for the small the permeates the house as it bakes.

Golden syrup, treacle, butter and dark brown sugar are what makes this wintery cake so deliciously sticky, but there is nothing complex about mixing all the ingredients together. It's a relief to read that it often sinks slightly in the middle, as mine certainly did (this can be quite disconcerting if you're not warned!). The result was a spicy, dense and just a bit sticky cake that suits this time of year perfectly - Halloween, bonfire night and the darker nights need a cake like this, so next time November comes around, give this a go!

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