Wednesday 12 August 2015

(Very Crunchy) Ginger Oat Bicuits

Julie has been showing us all up again by baking yet more biscuits! This time Crystallised Ginger Oat Biscuits on page 157 of Delia's Cakes.

Similar to a flapjack in their make-up, these little biscuits are made from oats, butter, sugar golden syrup and flour with plenty of, of course, ginger - both ground and crystallised. We seem to be drawn to ginger recipes recently and even those that don't have much ginger in them seem to taste like it (see Chris's response to my chocolate cupcakes!).

When all the melted and dried ingredients were mixed together, the mixture was to be divided into 12 and rolled into balls in your hand, then placed onto a baking sheet with room to expand. Delia assured Julie they would. However, after their 20 minutes of baking, not so much! They stayed pretty small and Julie reported, very crunchy indeed. A bit disappointing was the overall assessment. If you like oats and ginger and have very strong teeth, perhaps they are worth a try!

Next time, something a little less gingery I think - we need to experiment with some new flavours, and they are certainly to be found in Delia's Cakes. Watch this space!

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