Sunday 6 September 2015

Chocolate Chip Cookie mistakes!

Two weeks without a day off can do strange things to a person, and in my experience one of the best ways to delay madness is to bake. And eat. So this week, that's exactly what I did. Having a couple of hours spare, but not a lot of time to get to the shops, I decided to bake a Delia recipe that I could make from what was in the cupboard. I almost had everything I needed for the Chocolate Chip Cookies (on page 149) minus the hazelnuts. I did have a handful of almonds though, so decided to make do.

They were pretty straightforward to make, nothing complicated about it. I had a bar of chocolate so made my own chocolate chips - this meant that some were pretty chunky (no bad thing there) and roasted and chopped my almonds. The raw dough was irresistible - it tasted just like chocolate chip cookie dough ice-cream (well of course it did you idiot, it's chocolate chip cookie dough!!).

Delia suggests a rounded dessertspoonful of mixture for each cookie arranged on baking sheets. Now, I may have licked the bowl just a little, but not so much that her suggested 28 cookies could be reduced to just 14. I hate to criticise Queen Delia, but something clearly went wrong with the measurements here as the recipe I followed made exactly half the number it should have done. Julie tried this recipe a few weeks back too and said the same thing, so a word to the editors for the next edition - either double the recipe or halve the number it says this should make! There is a history of mistakes with this recipe in fact - in the first edition of Delia's Book of Cakes she left the chocolate chips out of the recipe!

Anyway, back to some more positive comments - these were pretty fantastic cookies. They helped Julie and I though a long Sunday at work, and a couple of long car journeys for me. Quick and easy to make - just bear in mind the recipe will only make 14 and not 28!

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